On August 7, 2021, Nice and Joy (aliases) each posted videos capturing what they described as "police aggression" during a protest they attended. The videos, which they believed showed police mistreatment, were captioned "Dictator's lapdog?" and "What are you doing here?" respectively. An officer featured in the clips accused them of altering the footage and defaming him, although the videos were unedited.
The legal outcomes for Nice and Joy diverged; the charges against Nice were quickly dismissed by the prosecutor, but Joy remains in judicial limbo, with her case neither dropped nor brought to court. Both individuals had to travel extensively from their homes to various police stations to report, while awaiting decisions from the prosecutors.
Additionally, each was required to post bail of 50,000 Thai Baht (THB). Nice quickly secured this amount through donations, but it took longer for Joy to gather the funds. Facing charges for simply expressing their political views has drained their financial resources, time, and energy. Despite these challenges, they told us in an interview that they continue to be politically active online, albeit with more caution than before.